The Nan Hoover Foundation is dedicated to preserving the artistic work and legacy of Nan Hoover and making it accessible to the public at large. This includes archiving, digitizing, documenting, and coordinating exhibitions of Nan Hoover's work. The Amsterdam-based Nan Hoover Foundation was established in October 2008.
Your donations help to support Nan Hoover's oeuvre and legacy. If you would like to contribute, please send your donation to the following bank account: Nan Hoover Foundation, RABOBank Amsterdam, IBAN: NL03ABNA0558183611
Members of the board
Gaby Wijers (chairwoman since April 2010), Katharina Klang (member since 2023), Sabine Folie (member since 2023), Sandro Đukić (member since 2016),Thibaut de Ruyter (member since 2017).
Previous members of the board with deepest gratitude for their untiring and dedicated work regarding Nan Hoover`s legacy throughout the years as well as their valuable contributions in current activities: Ulrike Buschlinger (founding member 2008-2023), Mary Carroll (founding member 2008-2016), Volker Hagemeier (founding member 2008-2012), Heiner Holtappels (founding member and chairman 2008-2010), Dawn Leach (member 2012-2016), Renate Petzinger (founding member 2008-2015), Barbara Könches (member 2016-2023).
Many thanks also to all those friends who have been and still are extremely supportive with professional help and advice: Schahrzad Derakhshan, Sebastian Fath, Kathy Rae Huffman, Rob Perrée, Sam Schoenbaum, Myriam Thyes